Monkshood, also known as Aconitum, is a captivating perennial renowned for its striking blue to purple hooded flowers that bloom in fall. This dramatic plant stands tall in the garden, reaching heights of up to 5 feet, making it a standout choice for borders and woodland settings. With its lush foliage and unique flower shape, Monkshood adds a touch of elegance and mystery to any landscape. While it’s beautiful, be mindful that all parts of the plant are toxic if ingested, so it’s best suited for gardens where pets and children are supervised. Elevate your outdoor space with the enchanting allure of Monkshood!
Monkshood (Aconitum)
Monkshood, also known as Aconitum, is a captivating perennial renowned for its striking blue to purple hooded flowers that bloom in fall. This dramatic plant stands tall in the garden, reaching heights of up to 5 feet, making it a standout choice for borders and woodland settings. With its lush foliage and unique flower shape, Monkshood adds a touch of elegance and mystery to any landscape. While it’s beautiful, be mindful that all parts of the plant are toxic if ingested, so it’s best suited for gardens where pets and children are supervised. Elevate your outdoor space with the enchanting allure of Monkshood!
Spring Pre-Order
Your order will ship in Early Spring based on the variety and growing zone. As always, feel free to request a desired delivery window in the order notes section at checkout!