Hosta plantaginea, also known as Plantain Lily or August Lily, is a delightful perennial prized for its lush, green foliage and captivating, fragrant white flowers. Blooming in late summer, the tall spikes of blooms release a sweet scent that attracts pollinators, making it a wonderful addition to any garden. This hosta thrives in partial to full shade, making it ideal for woodland gardens or shady borders. With its elegant leaves and enchanting blossoms, Hosta plantaginea adds a touch of charm and fragrance to your landscape, all while requiring minimal maintenance. Enjoy its beauty year after year!
Plantain Lily
Hosta plantaginea, also known as Plantain Lily or August Lily, is a delightful perennial prized for its lush, green foliage and captivating, fragrant white flowers. Blooming in late summer, the tall spikes of blooms release a sweet scent that attracts pollinators, making it a wonderful addition to any garden. This hosta thrives in partial to full shade, making it ideal for woodland gardens or shady borders. With its elegant leaves and enchanting blossoms, Hosta plantaginea adds a touch of charm and fragrance to your landscape, all while requiring minimal maintenance. Enjoy its beauty year after year!
Spring Pre-Order
Your order will ship in Early Spring based on the variety and growing zone. As always, feel free to request a desired delivery window in the order notes section at checkout!