Fire Tail Knotweed (also known as Mountain Fleece) is a striking, fast-growing perennial known for its fiery red, plume-like flower clusters that bloom in late summer to fall. With its unique, upright growth and vibrant color, it creates a bold statement in any garden. This hardy plant thrives in moist, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Perfect for adding drama to borders, rain gardens, or wildflower meadows, Fire Tail is also a magnet for pollinators like bees and butterflies. A low-maintenance, high-impact choice for gardeners seeking seasonal brilliance.
Firetail Knotweed (Mountain Fleece)
Fire Tail Knotweed (also known as Mountain Fleece) is a striking, fast-growing perennial known for its fiery red, plume-like flower clusters that bloom in late summer to fall. With its unique, upright growth and vibrant color, it creates a bold statement in any garden. This hardy plant thrives in moist, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Perfect for adding drama to borders, rain gardens, or wildflower meadows, Fire Tail is also a magnet for pollinators like bees and butterflies. A low-maintenance, high-impact choice for gardeners seeking seasonal brilliance.
Spring Pre-Order
Your order will ship in Early Spring based on the variety and growing zone. As always, feel free to request a desired delivery window in the order notes section at checkout!